Tuesday 22 December 2015


Red palm oil has been revered as both a nutritious food and a valuable medicine for generations. Even now, scientists are beginning to recognise the value of the prized plant in the treatment and prevention of several diseases. It was prized by the Pharaohs of ancient Egypt as a sacred food. The oil was so highly valued that it was entombed with the Pharaohs so that they would have access to it in the afterlife. Indeed, throughout history, palm oil has served as the primary source of dietary fat for countless people. Its nutritional and healing

properties have been recognised for generations. Until modern medicine arrived, red palm oil was the remedy of choice for nearly every illness in many parts of Africa. When someone was sick, downing a cup full of palm oil was common. Even today, many people in the villages rely on this age-old method of treatment. Palm oil is regarded among many as essential in the diet for pregnant and nursing women in order to assure good health for the mother and child.

Scientifically known as Elaeis Guineensis, palm oil is believed to originate from West Africa. However, archaeological evidence on palm oil consumption was found in Egypt over 5000 years ago. Essentially, it contains rich, balanced mixture of saturated, monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats, providing a higher level of bioavailable nutrients than any other vegetable source. Like coconut oil, palm oil is also rich in medium chain triglycerides (MCTs), which mobilise body fat stores, increase the metabolic rate and are a great source of energy.

Palm oil is a rich source of antioxidants, especially Vitamin E. While the health benefits of Vitamin E are widely known, less widely known is the fact that Vitamin E is a complex of many constituents broken into two groups: tocopherols (alpha, beta, gamma and delta) and tocotrienols (alpha, beta, gamma and delta). And while alpha tocopherol is the form most commonly marketed as Vitamin E, the full spectrum of both tocoperols and tocotrienols are required for optimal assimilation.
The super-antioxidant tocotrienols are particularly important for optimal health. These natural antioxidants act as free radical scavengers and are believed to play a protective role in cellular aging, atherosclerosis, cancer, arthritis and Alzheimer's disease. Researchers now believe that the tocopherols and tocotrienols together provide constituents that help limit damage during a heart attack. Red palm oil not only supplies fatty acids essential for proper growth and development, but it is packed with an assortment of vitamins, antioxidants and other phytonutrients important for good health. For instance, the red colour comes from carotenes such as beta-carotene and lycopene - the same nutrients that give tomatoes and carrots and other fruits and vegetables their rich red and orange colours. Carotenes are valuable nutrients and powerful antioxidants. They are also important because the body can convert them into Vitamin A, an essential nutrient.

Vitamin A deficiency can cause blindness, weaken bones, lower immunity and adversely affect learning ability and mental function. "Vitamin A is only found in animal foods. Such foods are too expensive for many people. Carotenes in fruits and vegetables can supply the needed Vitamin A if an adequate amount of fat is also consumed. Carotenes require fat for conversion into Vitamin A. Unfortunately those who cannot afford animal products often do not eat much fat either. Populations with ample carotene-rich foods available often suffer from vitamin A deficiency because they don't get enough fat in their diet, "Just one teaspoon a day of red palm oil supplies children with the daily recommend amount of Vitamin A. Nursing mothers are encouraged to supplement their diet with palm oil to enrich their milk with the vitamin, however, adding red palm oil into the diet can double or triple the amount of Vitamin A in mother's milk. The children are not only getting the Vitamin A they need but other important nutrients as well. Red palm oil is a virtual powerhouse of nutrition. It contains by far, more nutrients than any other dietary oil. In addition to beta-carotene, alpha- carotene, and lycopene it contains at least 20 other carotenes along with Vitamin E, Vitamin K, CoQ10, squalene, phytosterols, flavonoids, phenolic acids, and glycolipids. Red palm oil is loaded with so many nutrients and antioxidants; it's like a natural dietary supplement. In fact, it is currently being encapsulated and sold as a vitamin supplement. The depletion of antioxidants including antioxidant enzymes is known to increase the risk of complications in conditions such as CVD, diabetes and cancer.

Health Benefits of Palm Oil           

Palm oil is commonly used as cooking oil in Africa, Southeast Asia, and certain countries in South America. It has become more popular in other parts of the world in recent years because of the health concerns of having too many Trans fats in the diet. For people who have too much bad cholesterol in their body (LDL cholesterol), switching to using palm oil is a very good health choice. There are a number of other health benefits associated with palm oil, which is explained below.

Energy Levels: Beta-carotene is one of the prime components of palm oil, which is why it has an orange-red color. Beta-carotene is very good for improving energy levels and boosting hormonal balance in the body.

Vision: Beta-carotene is extremely important for improving vision. A great deal of antioxidants can be found in palm oil, which are the powerful defensive mechanisms of the body. They are the beneficial byproducts of cellular metabolism and can protect the body from free radicals. Free radicals are responsible for a lot of cellular breakdown and mutation, including the damage that can cause vision issues. Using palm oil as a replacement for other types of oil can prevent macular degeneration and cataracts.

Cardiovascular Issues: Palm oil has a high content of HDL and LDL cholesterol, but even though one is good (HDL) and the other is bad (LDL), it can still create a healthier balance in your body. High levels of LDL cholesterol can increase your chances of atherosclerosis , which can cause strokes and heart attacks. By maintaining a healthy balance of cholesterol (both of which you need in your body), you can ensure a healthier cardiovascular system.

Prevents Cancer: Tocopherols, which are types of vitamin A, are natural antioxidants. Antioxidants, as mentioned above, are powerful defensive compounds that can prevent cancer by neutralizing free radicals. Free radicals cause healthy cells to mutate into cancerous cells, so high levels of tocopherol and palm oil are necessary.

Pregnant Women and Nursing mother: Vitamin deficiencies are some of the most dangerous conditions that can face pregnant women and their unborn children. Vitamin A, D, and E are found in considerable quantities in palm oil, and since the body cannot naturally retain these vitamins, it is necessary to consume them in our diets. Ensuring that pregnant women and their children do not face any vitamin deficiencies is one of the best aspects of adding palm oil to your diet.

Brain: Researchers have found correlations between oxidative stress and reduced blood flow to the brain to senile dementia, Alzheimer's disease, Parkinson's disease, Huntington's disease, and even schizophrenia. All of these conditions involve brain cell death. Tocotrienols aid the brain by reducing oxidative stress and improving blood flow.

Organic Facts

Better Health News

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