Monday 28 December 2015


Do you know you can minimised cost on buying cookies by making one at home yourself? It’s simple and easy to make, just follow the preparation steps below and you will end up eating a very healthy and delicious homemade cookies.

    wheat flour, butter, egg and sugar
  •       1cup granulated sugar
·         500gram butter or margarine, softened
·         1teaspoon vanilla flavour
·         1egg
·         2cups whole wheat flour
·         1teaspoon baking soda
·         Pinch of salt


  1. Heat oven to 375ºF.
  2.  Mix sugars and butter together to get fluffy texture in a large bowl then add egg and flavuor, stir for a while.
  3. Mix baking soda and salt with the dry wheat flour, then add into the butter, sugar, egg and flavuor mixture. Stir together (dough will be stiff).
  4. Mould into desire shapes and put into the oven.
  5. Bake 20 to 30 minutes or until light brown (centres will be soft). Cool slightly; remove from cookie sheet. Cool on wire rack.

Cookies is ready, you can eat with tea or a chill drink.

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