Sunday 4 May 2014

How to prepare Akara balls

                               Akara Recipe


Akara is a Nigerian Breakfast Recipe. It normally take a long time to prepare but I tell you it worth the time. Akara balls are very rich in protein and delicious meal most especially in the morning. It is good for adult and children love it too. Try this my special recipe am giving here, you will enjoy it.

Am introducing chicken eggs into my own recipe. Check it out.


1 cup of Beans (black-eyed or brown beans)
2-3 chilli peppers (depend on your taste for pepper)pepper
2 chicken eggs
1 medium Onion
Salt to taste
Vegetable Oil for frying

Make sure you have a blender, pestle, mortar or deep bowl, in case you don't have a blender you can grind from heavy duty grinders in your area.


Step1. Remove all the beans coat. Make sure all the back are remove, you can do this by soaking the 1 cup beans in a bowl for like 30 seconds, then start rubbing it together with your two palms. You can also use mortar and pestle to do this.

Step2. When the beans is clean and all white, then soak the beans in water for 2 hours to make it soft enough for your blender. You can use lukewarm water to make it soft faster. If you are using the heavy duty grinders in your area, it will not be necessary to soak the beans for extended periods of time.

Step3. Slice the pepper and onions into desirable sizes, also whisk the eggs.

Step4. Blend the beans with your blender, make sure you don't add too much, just add little water for it to move in the blender. If you are using operators of the heavy duty grinders just tell them the beans is for Akara, they wouldn't add much water.

Step5. Set some vegetable oil on the cooker to heat up. Make sure put enough vegetable oil that will reach the top of the akara when frying.

Step6. Put the ground beans into a mortar and beginning to stir in continuous circular motion don't allow oil to get into the ground beans till when scoop into the hot vegetable oil, this is to avoid the situation where the ground beans wouldn't rise.

Step7. After 2 minutes of stirring add the whisk egg and continue to stir. Egg is a binding agent, it will help the ground beans to stick together and make it rise faster. As you stir add enough pressure so that the ground beans can rise very well.

Step8. Check the oil to make sure is hot. The oil should be hot enough to sizzle but not too hot. If too hot, the Akara will spatter as soon as the beans batter hits the oil. Once the oil is hot, add the onions and pepper and stir well.

Step9. Add salt to your taste and stir again. Salt should always be added just before scooping the beans mixture into the oil. If salt stays in the mixture for extended periods of time, it will destroy the leavening property of the beans. This property is what makes the Akara float in the oil and prevent spatter during frying.

Step10. Then scoop the mixture with a table spoon and slowly pour this into the oil, keep turning it to make sure both sides are fried.

Step11. When the Akara balls are golden brown all over, remove and place in a sieve lined with paper towels.

Akara balls are very good for breakfast, you can serve with Custard/Ogi/Akamu , Agidi or Bread. Try it one Saturday morning you will love it.

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