Tuesday 18 March 2014

10 Reasons to smile

Put a smile on your face(feyin eee) hahaha that is from Lagbaja song. whatever the situation maybe please learn to always smile, it takes nothing from you to smile but a lot when you frown or get angry. Life situations might not give rooms for smiling, remember that frowning or getting angry can't solve the problem either but add to it. Note this, health is wealth. Live healthy by making smiling a habit, which is very beneficial to you and others. When you smile to someone it is contagious, definitely you have made someone smile. Once you stop smiling your life becomes less fun. Believe me you have so many reasons to smile, let look at some of the reasons you should smile.

Here are the reasons to smile:

1.Health: When you smile there are changes in your body chemistry which is not just your face but it sends a smile through your whole body. All the cells in your body plump up and become more resilient, because of positive hormones that flow through.

2. Mental Wellness: Smiling is contagious, actually when someone smiles it's transfer to other people around. Sometimes unintentionally when you see someone smile you will realise that you smiles too without knowing it, that is the power of smiling.

3. Smiling can change your mood: When you feel really bad about something or you are not just happy, try to smile before you know it your mood will change. Likewise when someone is very angry with you instead of raging back at the person just put an innocent and understanding smile on your face( note: don't laugh at the person or else you will here ghenghen) for the person, you will see change of mood immediately.

4. Means of attraction: When you smile you attract more people, this enhance the way you interact with people. Even a business person with smiles will eventually attract more customer. If you are smiles a lot, you are like a breath of fresh air that walks into a room.

5. Family unity: Smiling can unite family together when a member cast a smile on other family members often, this warm up and reduces tension among the family members. Every member of the family should smile often to encourage one another.

6. Builds Self Esteem: When you smile it boost your moral level and also take away negative thoughts, by which you are able to do things you can't ordinarily do before. Bringing you closer to your life path.

7. Sign of Forgiveness: Ordinarily when you see someone you are quarrelling with, it is difficult to smile to that person but when you re-consider and just smile to that person, forgiveness has happened. You can even use smile to seek for forgiveness from a person you have offended, if that person should smile back at you that means you are forgiven. Use the power of smile always.

8. Emotion: Smiling can get you out of depression. Consciously practice smiling exercise everyday, gradually you will see reasons to live and be alive.

9. Faith: Smiling is real and genuine. it is gives you sound mind to generate new ideas and believes. It makes you hold on your faith.

10. Lastly smiling is free, it won't cost a thing. Give and take freely, live your life, be happy and make other people happy too by being generous with your smile. Smile enhance your look, makes you look more beautiful/handsome and radiant.

When you refuse to smile you are not only deny yourself happiness but people around you too who could have benefit from your smile. Please start using the power of smile today to grace your life and other people. Keep smiling, stay happy.

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