Tuesday 8 April 2014

9 health benefit of garden egg

I feel I should share this, after my blog post 2 weeks ago on yam and chicken egg with garden egg, see it here. I realised that most of us don't really know the health benefit we derive from eaten fresh garden egg or use as a stew for yam or rice. I did some google search and believe me I was surprised to find out that garden egg is load with a lot of health benefit. These are the benefit you can derive from eaten garden egg.

The garden egg, also known as eggplant is a very good source of dietary fiber, potassium, manganese, copper and thiamin (vitamin B1). It is also a good source of vitamin B6, folate, magnesium and niacin. Eggplant also contains phytonutrients such as nasunin and chlorogenic acid. Eggplant is a fruit but it is classified under vegetables.

1. Garden egg is good in as a sauce for eaten boiled yam or rice, it becomes a delicacy you don’t want to miss.

2. The garden egg can be regarded as a brain food because it houses the anthocyanin phytonutrient found in its skin, Nasunin, a potent antioxidant and free radical scavenger that has been shown to protect cell membranes from damage.

3. Garden egg is also rich in Iron, is an essential nutrient, necessary for oxygen transport, normal immune function and collagen synthesis. This is good for menstruating women, who lose iron every month in their menstrual flow.

4. Garden egg by chelating iron, nasunin lessens free radical formation with numerous beneficial results, including protecting blood cholesterol from peroxidation; preventing cellular damage that can promote cancer; and lessening free radical damage in joints, which is a primary factor in rheumatoid arthritis.

5. Garden egg also helps in reducing weight. Chewing thoroughly while eating, can enable you get significant benefits, including absorption of calcium, from calcium-rich foods that also contain oxalic acid. So, eating garden eggs does not stop you from meeting your calcium requirements. Low in calories and high in fibre, the eggplant is good for carbohydrate counters and dieters can actually snack on garden eggs in-between meals. If you really want to lose weight you should eat fresh garden egg. When you take garden egg, it fills the tummy because of its fibre content and it helps reduce the food you consume, thereby reducing the calories and body weight.

6. Garden egg helped to reduce bad cholesterol in the body, thereby protecting the heart. It helped to regulate the blood pressure, also maintain and regulate the function of the heart. Because of the high fibre and low soluble carbohydrate content of the eggplant, it controls glucose absorption and reduces the risk of hypertension. It is very low in calorie content, so when you consume it and you are diabetic it suppresses the sugar level and brings the blood pressure down.

7. Garden egg has an anti-ulcer remedy, which could be used as treatment for ulcer. It is does not protects you from having ulcer but when you have it and you take garden egg, it has that- anti ulcer remedy that suppresses it.

8. It is gathered that patients with glaucoma should eat a lot of garden egg because it served as an antioxidant, which prevented cells in the body from damage.

9. Lastly I learn't that the garden egg leaf is also useful in treating snake bites, every parts of the plant seems to be useful.

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